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WachaDoo Videos
Yo these videos come with carefully-mixed stereo audio tracks. Play them on something really good for the best results and a really enjoyable experience. Recommended: Ocean Way Audio HR4/HR3.5 monitors
Here's a cute little video "primer" for the band in case you don't know what we look like and how we play. This shows our basic stage setup and a sampling of some songs. And, of course, such a handsome collection of svelte and camera-ready professional-model-quality guys, right?
Having peeked at the video above, you'll no doubt want more (who wouldn't, OMG). So we added a few more songs and longer selections.
This 29m video is where all the video media came from, a TV show shot at Access Framingham's video studio. Full versions of these songs are on this one: Push it Through/Wine/UFO/4 Letter Girl/Take it Down/Stone Solid/O Calle O. Bon appetit; la video muzikka ala mondo-delicioso deluxe!
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